Saturday, November 30, 2013

worlds most ugly dog

Yo, worlds most ugly dog is gone. Elwood did pass away. He was eight and sadly, did not make nine. Cats are happy now. Ah, no doubt he could have been in a horror movie. That um Elwood looked like a FRIGHT mare.

Monday, November 25, 2013

phabets are taking over

Yo, it seems phablets are taking over. They are not just big in size. Most have a lot of power. Also, words are easier to see. Fellows, get use to the mega screens.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

College is great

College is great and here are some awesome courses. Well, there we go. How about - the language of lord of the rings. Yeah, that sounds like a good one.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hard to explain the road we are going on. Where will this path take us any way. Mountain are enormous. Frankly, that is not the case in cars. Yet, they do take us on a long and winding journey.

La route du col d'Allos

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Posting in you tube

Fellows, you tube is a bit funny in a way. It lets me upload videos, but not comment on my own. Here is my movie. By the way, it is list as being in creative commons. Well, that means you can use it, so all the best to you.

Monday, November 18, 2013

main frame

Why is there no programmers union. Back in the main frame days people thought that computers were the future for us. Well, get use to making less than a person at burger king because most jobs are sent over seas. Yeah, that is the future for us.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

roman empire

There are still some pieces of a by gone roman empire. Oh yes, this does hearten us. What about our own empire. How will the books of history remember us. Maybe soon we will not see. All that will be left are some ancient ruins.

Noto Palazzo Municipale

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Vacations are awesome

Vacations are awesome. However, we need some more. That is not so easy. Jobs pay less every year. Competition is heating up. Worker get near minimum wage.

Le lac d'Allos

Thursday, November 14, 2013

worst franchise ever

Just which is the worst franchise ever. Most are in the food arena. Talk about some low margins. Also, there is little you can do and competition is severe.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

nine nations

This just in. Basically, nine nation pay more minimum wage. Yeah, we mean than america. Sadly, that was not always the case. Greedy execs is the reason. They always wanna out source.

Monday, November 11, 2013

cute over load warning

People, here comes a cute over load warning. Diabetes is a terrible thing, but this is too much sugar. There is just something about kittens that makes people go crazy.

Cute jaguar alert

Sunday, November 10, 2013

light in the night

Truly, there is light in the night for us. Candle does burn bright as the wax erodes away. Well, there will soon be no more wax. Light is something that we enjoy.

Mae Jo, 16/11/2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Captain Jerk

Captain Jerk is his name. He always is after women. Yeah, even green ones. Also, his lines are some of the worse ones. Spock, there are some Klingons near uranus... Hey, you need to fire a photon torpedo.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

evolution you say

Scientist claim we came from apes. I do not think so. They do not look or act like us. Oh yes, evolution you say. Religions are not created by men. Actually, God created us.

Amusement park

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Yo, a trip to mars is one way. Well, that is what science can propose.  Red planet is so far away. Talking to people on earth is not an option as the wait is several hours for a message. Hey, are you sure you wanna go to mars.

Curiosity Mars Rover: Our Interplanery Emissary

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I love the enourmous ocean. Like it extend far beyond what my eye can see. Where exactly does it end any way. Please love to look at our deep blue sea.

Plage de Sicile

Monday, November 4, 2013

Renee Zellweger is so sour

Renee Zellweger is so sour. Like she has an attitude going. Here is Renee Zellweger’s new sour. She is like unsugar.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


What is TIME any way. Like it flows like a river. Still, it is always moving us.

Pined by AppsCracker

Saturday, November 2, 2013

green hills of earth

Keep on singing. The green hills of earth is a science fiction story about a blind singer. He goes to mars. Well, here we still are. Oh, what can see say to Rysling the blind singer of the space ways.

Baisse de l’aiguille, La Foux d'Allos.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tony new man.

Hi, I am Tony new man. Time Tunnel is a show of mine. I wear a vomit green sweater and my favorite color is vomit green. Yeah, I did say it is a favorite of mine. Please see me on my TV show that is on Netflix now. Basically, I travel back into time and make changes to historical events, but that should be obvious to you. Doug Philips is not the star - I am.