Hollywood studios are losing money on movies. The situation is very messy. Folks, we saw this one coming... like a mile away even. Please pass me some popcorn. Yeah, I would also like a diet pepsi.

Hollywood studios are losing money on movies. The situation is very messy. Folks, we saw this one coming... like a mile away even. Please pass me some popcorn. Yeah, I would also like a diet pepsi.
Ah yes, predictive policing algorithms are full of um racism. They need to be dismantled according to those who engage in crime. Hey, we need to get rid of all those nasty algorithms that tell us most crimes are committed by young men. Instead, we should focus on nursing homes and questioning elderly women.
I expect to see the end of our museums. They are no longer politically correct it seems. Well, that event should surprise no one. Artifacts tend to stick in a scientist's craw. Please do remember that all of our science is racism.
Goldfish in lakes can grow... like to be massive in size. Frankly, that could be good news. It is better to be a giant than a guppy. OK, so that is my own opinion.
Ah yes, the Retail apocalypse is upon us. There are so many retail companies facing bankruptcy it is scary. Let me tell you... like they are blaming our economic crisis. Oh wow, but of course.
Earth has a magnetic north pole that is leaving Canada and heading toward Siberia now. Well, that certainly is some worrisome news. Do wonder what the exact reason is.
Uber app will require all riders to take a selfie using a mask now. Friends, this really is a comedy of errors. Yesterday I got on an Uber car. OK, so the driver was not wearing one. Ah yes, a mask that is. Maybe, we should report him to the over zealous authorities for not wearing that mask which our Uber app requires.
Life in our cosmos is rare. Ah yes, that is so. Please look at the other planet in our solar system and what do we see? Barren worlds my fine ones.
Reading a morning newspaper... that use to be so common. It was like drinking coffee years ago. Well, those days are over. Hey, we see that there has been a sharp decline in newspaper revenue. People rely on the internet now.