Friday, February 27, 2015

glut of iron ore

Folks, we got a glut of iron ore. That points to a poor economy. Sadly, things are going max worse. What people need is more money. Construction is slow due to lack of demand and that is due to a lack of green. Hope that things do improve.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

out spoken

Listen to out spoken woman's voice. Few tech workers are women. Most of the jobs are out source. Yeah, they are going over seas. Do blame tech companies. Like they wanna save some money.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

radio shack

While supplies last, people are going to radio shack and grabbing items. Bargains are there for you. How long will the stores remain open. Like we are not so sure. God please do help us. Things are going max worse. It is a very poor economy.


Saturday, February 21, 2015


Twonky 1953 is an awesome movie. Do believe technophobia is on a rip.What else can we say. Oh wow, this is a horrible film and then some more. It is so poor... a sort of grandeur creeps in.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

six foot sea rise

Scientific American says NYC sees six foot sea rise. Oh wow, this is scary. Do you believe in science. Let me see. Did we have a six foot sea rise in the last 50 years. Hey, the answer is no. Please do not believe all the hype that is thrown at you.

Are you sick of waterfalls yet?

Monday, February 16, 2015

summer camp

Campsite 2Colleges, maybe you miss summer camp. Well, we do miss summer. It is so cold outside that we have the heater on. Yet, this is winter and we await spring. All do want to see a warm summer. Oh yes, there is too much snow.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

relic radio

Just what we need now. Do you like OTR - old time radio, that is. Well, some of us do any way. OK so relic radio is a bit vintage. That said, we do enjoy seeing. Maybe we are wrong. It is hearing as there is no image. Pictures are for those who have no imagination. That is what we say.
Actually, our relic radio is a lot more than you can even imagine.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Orbits is gone

Orbits is gone. There is less competition now. Expect higher prices.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Mule gives birth

Mule gives birth - yes. This event is amazing. Like winning a grand prize even. However, here we are. Donkeys have fun, but horses are more awesome.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Midnight LA

Midnight LA is awesome. Hey, there is nothing to worry on. BTW, there is a new TV series. Bosch is the name. It is about an LA cop. Oh yes, reminds me of drag net in some ways. However, good old Harry Bosch is quite different than Sergeant Joe Friday, but don't listen to me. Like you can see it for yourself at zero cost - yes zero. Yo, one series Bosch is now on amazon prime. Quite a good show, but that is just my opinion.

Midnight LA

Monday, February 9, 2015

amazon super earnings

Did you see amazon super earnings. Like those are mega. Well, that is what we see. Folks, we gotta work some more. It is a new universe.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Too many poor

Remember the great recession. Well, it ain't over. Just no money. Too many poor. Hard hit is the rust belt with Louisville, Indianapolis, Boston, and Detroit - yes. People call it DEAD-troit as approx 50% make less than 25,000 now. It has seen better days with Henry Ford and the car.

Friday, February 6, 2015


Do you like sunset in the evening. Well, that might be so. However, the sun is certainly setting on our empire. Great days are behind us. Frankly, there is a cold chill wind in our air. It speak to the end of an age. Just what does stand before us. Oh yes, that is my question to you. Perhaps we are looking at a new dark age. Keep calm and carry on.

How to Get Massive Depth of Field

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

tomorrow land

Question, is tomorrow land an awesome movie. OK do we think so. Disney usually is. Time will tell as we say.

Super Bowl TV Spot for Tomorrowland on TrailerAddict.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Feb is the second month of the new year. Look for more companies... like radio shack... for example sears. It is coming.