Thursday, April 11, 2019

Machine learning

Machine learning is boosted by learning other languages - wow. For example, if you teach a neural network English it learns German like at a much faster pace. This is an incredible accomplishment we tell you. Hey, it does not even surprise me. Teachers know that being multilingual is an amazing advantage to the student when they enter college years.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

pizza oven

OK, so wine cellars increase your HOMES price. Also, you might wanna get a pizza oven. Those allow your house to command a premium. It is certainly a new era we are in. Expect the unexpected as we see.


Saturday, April 6, 2019


Do sharks scare us? I would say that the answer is no. Most are not that large in size. Also, they do tend to avoid us.

Great white shark framed by mackerel scad

Friday, April 5, 2019

green areas

Contact with nature reduces stress some. Yeah, we need green areas. OK, so going to a wooded park is a joy. Let us rejoice... for what God has given us.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders now wants to extend voting rights to convicted felons in prison. They should be able to vote from behind bars even. Hey, we are not making this one up. It is an eerie universe we are in. Yeah, we certainly did not see this one coming. Voting rights for prisoners - a very progressive move.

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