Saturday, June 27, 2020

grid point

Finding a grid point vortex is not so easy. Typically, we can notice a prominent magnetic anomaly in our area. Often, to find it we can employ a trifield meter that detects changes in gauss. Ah yes, these meters are used by ghost hunters and people who are very interested in the paranormal arena.

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Oh wow, fish is good for your brain as we see. Maybe, it is omega three fatty acids, but we are not so sure. It does slow down cognitive decline over many years.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Pi is 3.1416 and we find this ratio to be awesome. Still, it often makes no sense. Hey, why should the circumference of a circle by approx three times that of its radius? Well, honestly like we got no answer. By the way, we often find a magnetic anomaly in a paranormal area. Yeah, a magnetic vortex is common - like where ghost are seen.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus statues are being torn down now. Officials claim that the real reason is racism. Hey, we are not so sure. Why is it our history some wanna erase? Basically, we need a few prominent historical figures that are perfect and never occasion errors.

Christopher Columbus Column - Barcelona

Thursday, June 18, 2020


 Nights do seem rather a bit gloomy now. Well, that is just how they can seem. Perhaps, it is just me. However, there is a strange stillness in our air. Yeah, it can really make one queasy. Right so, like a feeling of on coming nausea.

Au rendez-vous des chauffeurs.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

social media

Presidente de Chile y su esposaOh wow, social media causes fear or panic even. Yeah, tell me about it as things get ever worse. Do please wake up. Hey, we are in a new era. Basically, the old one is no more.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Bankruptcies run rampant now. Hey, we are not trying to blame any one. After all, we could see this one coming... like a mile away even. First off, we have a lot of people with no jobs and no money. Also, they closed down the mall and the situation keeps on going even worse. Definitely, we are in a super scary FRIGHT mare. Yo, we do not know when this one is over.