Friday, May 25, 2018

chef that never sleeps

A chef that never sleeps could assist us. Robots could lend a helping hand to our person. Folks, this could sound rather eerie. OK, so what do we even mean? Basically, population around the world are aging. Well, that means... that they do not have as much energy. Large androids could serve us. It would make life more pleasant for many.

Monday, May 21, 2018


Toronto has a certain magic. Fellows, this is a great city to be in now. However, I do not recommend it in winter as it is a bit chilly for me. What we like is spring or summer. Do wonder if fall is also nice. I was there in the fall and it was cold and then some more.

One of Those Nights

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Red is warm

Red is warm. Then again, so is orange. Sadly, high technology moving sidewalks never did become very common. Oh yes, here and there we see some. For example, near my own house, there are some... like in the airport corridors, but that is a bit far away. People certainly do not enjoy them any. Well, that is what they say - anyway.

The subway corridors near Opera

Saturday, May 5, 2018

panoramic views

I love beautiful panoramic views. Still, there is so much that we do not ever see. Hard to believe how exciting this scene is. Frankly, it is beyond what most of us can imagine.

Mountain Dreams

Thursday, May 3, 2018

economy going down

Yo, if there is a slow down in our economy... like this is what ya wanna own. Film companies are going to do super. Well, this certainly was the case during the great depression and is also very true now. Maybe, we can call our era... the massive enormous recession. Hey, it is still an ongoing crisis. Basically, we see our economy going down not up. Please do brace yourself for what is coming.

cite metro station