Monday, September 26, 2016

still waters

Ah yes, still waters run deep or so we say. I do wonder what that really means. Could be that we go no answers. Life is a mystery wrap up in an enigma.

Venice in Blue

Friday, September 23, 2016

Elon Musk

Elon Musk plans to colonize mars. Oh wow, he is certainly a brave man. What we need is flying cars or men on mars. Wish we had both, but that could prove expensive. Do want Elon Musk to be a success. However, the technology is simply not ready yet for us. Please give us some years.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Hillary loses

Hillary loses, but blame the email server. It had a starring role in her defeat, but you already knew that one. Sadly, she did not come clean with us. Instead of a straight answer we got more fables pushed our way. Certainly, she should have let Bernie win. Oh wow, it is too late now.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Please select the correct answer in our quiz.

1) Predator

A) Tiger
B) Lion
C) T-Rex
D) Shark
E) Priest

Friday, September 16, 2016

Wells Fargo

Government will investigate Wells Fargo, but I can tell you what will soon occur. OK no executives put in prison. The will claim insufficient evidence or some other excuse. However, the law will crush little peons. Hey, they never ever get a break and we mean ever. Bank will pay more in FINES, but there are no execs charged in crimes. Always be closing - Glen Garry Glen Ross.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hillary's health

Hillary's health is a major issue. That should indeed surprise no one. After all, it is no longer considered a conspiracy. Friends, there are more than just rumors. Oh yes, even main stream media is now gonna cover us - awesome.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Buzz Aldrin was an astroNOT! He did not go to the moon. Fact is, we still cannot go. What is our reason? Technology to reduce radiation is not available to us. Hoax about going to the moon is max. Wish people did know what is really going on.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

short straw

Friends, our world is full of straws, but don't pull the short one. Getting a short straw is a mark of failure, as in the opposite of success. Yeah, we do wanna win. Just remember that rules are different for the big guys.

Pink or Blue?