Tuesday, March 19, 2019

not all

Actually, not all barns are red and not all tractors are green. Still, that is what we usually expect to see. Often, we need to step back and take it all in. Life is an interesting process. Do take the time to look at what is right in front of us.

T. A. Moulton Barn Sunrise

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Getting into college is not so easy. It can help you attain success. Do start right away. Most people simply realize that you need more than great grades to get in. Jobs are being outsourced to countries that have very low wages. Students need to get used to low pay. Oh yes, this is the world we are in.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

thin air

Solar powered moisture harvester can produce pure clean water from thin air. Hey, we did say pure. Just keep in mind that this process is expensive. It will probably not solve the problems of people who live in emerging economies. Yeah, we cannot call them third world any more. That term is considered offensive now. It is just like that smelly garbage man. He is a sanitation engineer now.


Thursday, March 14, 2019


Being lonely is not good for you. Social isolation can create serious consequences. I am not a medical professional, but these is a fact that is long proven. Do create friendships with other persons. Hey, that is what is necessary.

In 16th, Paris

Monday, March 11, 2019

go pro

Just look at go pro. They are still losing money. Also, the stock has gone down a lot in the last three years. Maybe, that does not surprise you. Hey, we do know they made excellent tiny cameras. Problem is, they are so expensive. Well, that is one reason... this company might soon not be selling any.


Sunday, March 10, 2019


Boeing faces questions due to safety concerns. Folks, this is the second crash in a few days and it is worrisome. Could be that it is coincidence and there is nothing wrong. However, we really do not think so. It is best that we keep both of our eyes way open. Jets do not tumble out of our air... for no reason.

Westjet - Boeing 737-7CT - C-GWSP - YQB

Friday, March 8, 2019

737 max

Fearful flyers lose faith in Boeing 737 max. Yeah, a second crash can cause concerns. Just remember that we were told it was safe years ago. Well, I am not so sure. People need to investigate the cause. After all, we want to feel safe when we are up in our rare air. China is banning the 737 now. Sadly, we cannot blame them any.

B-18655 China Airlines Boeing 737-8MA

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Flash games

Flash games are going away. Hey, they were awesome. Still, things change and we are now in a new era. Sadly, all we will have soon are memories.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

cold air

Expect a blast of cold air. Folks, it is coming. Ah yes, the North East gets hammered once more. This should not surprise us. It is a fact that there is no global warming. That was just a scam. It was so they could lay a carbon tax on us. Remember that politicians always try to find a way... to tax us some more.

Friday, March 1, 2019


US offers one million dollar reward for osamas son. That sounds like the title of a dime store novel, but it is true we tell you. Personally, I like books, but often prefer to see a movie. OK, so that is being lazy we guess.